Score Better with IELTS One Skill Retake
Was your IELTS score dragged down because of one section? You can still make it right with the IELTS One Skill Retake. You can sit once again for the exam and improve the area that you’ve fallen behind in. It gives students like you another chance to redeem themselves and emerge with their desired band score.
Whether it’s Listening, Reading, Writing, or Speaking, you can retake the section and improve your final score. This is available for both IELTS Academic and General Training, but you must have sat for the exam on a computer at an eligible test centre. It will come to more test centres across Australia pretty soon.
Want to know your chances with IELTS OSR? You can reach out to our trainers to have a detailed discussion on your eligibility, exam format, and more.
The Benefits Of Taking IELTS One Skill Retake
IELTS OSR is an excellent opportunity to shine in one specific skill. Many students closely miss the required band score, and for them, this is a golden second chance. By retaking any one section of the exam, you will accomplish the following benefits:
- Focused Improvement: Because you are retaking only one skill, you can dedicate your undivided attention to that section. Such a targeted approach allows you to study more effectively and efficiently.
- Time-Saving: Retaking the entire exam can be time-consuming and costly. So, if you have a strong performance in all but one section, IELTS OSR is a great option for you.
- Higher Success Rate: As you can channel all your energy into one particular skill, you have a higher chance of success. Due to this focused study, your score can improve significantly.
- Detailed Feedback: You will experience a constant feedback loop with IELTS OSR, which will help you understand your strong and weak areas better. This is crucial for continuous learning and progress.
So, do you want to have a go at it? Let’s connect and discuss your eligibility!
Boost Your One Module Retake IELTS Score With Englishwise IELTS Coaching
EnglishWise is a leading coaching centre in Australia for many competitive exams, such as IELTS and PTE. With 10+ years of industry experience, coaching students has become our second nature. Today, we proudly say that we have coached 30,000+ students across the country.
Among all our programs, IELTS is one where we see a lot of student intake. With the highest success rate, we offer our coaching programs — online and offline — in various locations across Australia, from Sydney to Perth.
So, if you want to appear for IELTS One Skill Retake in Australia, consider speaking with our experts. Your success is certain with our personalised coaching!

Everything You Need To Know About IELTS One Skill Retake in Australia
IELTS One Skill Retake is a simple process designed to help students get desired scores without reappearing for the full test. However, it may be a comparatively new feature for many students. If you are so, here are a few essential details to know about this test:
- Available for both IELTS Academic and General.
- You must sit for OSR within 60 days from your exam date.
- It’s a must to have completed the full test at a centre that offers OSR.
- The test must have taken place on a computer.
If you fall within the above criteria, you can take IELTS One Skill Retake in Australia. After the exam, you will receive a new IELTS test report, including your updated result. That’s how simple it is!
Still, have doubts? Feel free to contact our representative here!
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Frequently Asked Questions
After the retake, you will be sent a new IELTS Test Report Form. It will include your new IELTS OSR result along with the results of the skills that you did not retake. Added up, you will have a new IELTS band score.
However, note that the date on this exam Report Form will be the same as the date of your original IELTS Academic or General Training exam.
Currently, the fee for an IELTS One Skill Retake in Australia is AUD$259. However, it may change with time. So, we recommend checking the official website of the IELTS test centres for more accurate and current figures.
Students of both Academic and General Training are eligible for the One Skill Retake exam. But the only condition is that they must have appeared for the IELTS full exam on a computer at an eligible test centre.
If you satisfy this condition, you can retake any one skill within 60 days from the date of the original test.
Yes, that’s the idea. After your retake, your new test report form will have the updated score for the retaken skill, while the rest show the previous scores. Together, they become your upgraded IELTS score.
Typically, you will receive the new result within three to five days from the retake exam.