How Does PTE AI Work?

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic is a top-tier assessment for non-native speakers. It's [...]


If you’re applying for an Australian visa, or want to study in Australia, you may […]

Marking Criteria For PTE

The Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) is an international computer-based English language test providing a measure of the test taker’s language ability to assist education institutions…

Marking Criteria for IELTS

The most important part of your IELTS preparation is to understand as to how you will be marked and scored. To begin with, there are two types of IELTS tests – IELTS ACADEMIC and IELTS GENERAL…

Marking Criteria For NAATI

The easiest way to get 5 points for your Australia PR application is by cracking the NAATI CCL Test. The CCL takes much lesser efforts in comparison to other English language proficiency tests. Unfortunately, because…

Coaching for PTE

PTE is a computer-based English language test that non-native English speakers must pass if they want to [...]